Navigating a tricky FCC landscape

The US communications landscape is undergoing some pretty hefty changes at the moment.

In our line of work we are obviously staying abreast of the developments around FirstNet, and I came across a useful article earlier this month entitled FirstNet Explained which runs through the basics of the proposed national broadband public safety network and what it means for its stakeholders.

As well as the development of a dedicated public safety broadband network, there are also the recent changes in FCC regulations that need to be adhered to.

The FCC regulatory changes span both the commercial and public safety domains and for those involved in the deployment of signal boosters of any type, it is imperative that they stay abreast of these changes as the subsequent repercussions can be drastic.

I’ll be putting my expertise into practise and presenting a webinar on May 15 on exactly this topic – ‘Staying on top of FCC regulations: how the latest changes affect in-building coverage’. I’ll be considering the regulatory changes in detail, outlining the differences between consumer and industrial boosters as well as the potential repercussions for those that fail to implement the changes correctly. The webinar will also cover the topic and a live demonstration of Class B signal booster registration on the FCC website. If you’re someone who is involved in navigating the tricky FCC landscape this webinar could prove useful…

Kevin Persing Kevin Persing
US Western Regional Sales Manager, Cobham Wireless

Kevin has developed a keen understanding of the recent changes to Fire Code and has given training sessions at the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) and Local Fire conferences on an ongoing basis.
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